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Anonymous1: HOT!
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Anonymous2: God I would hump those feet like there was no tomorrow.

Also in before smartass comment about her wearing the helmet even though she isn't in her suit.
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Anonymous3: In after smartass comment. I guess she's a bit of a headcase huh?
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SmokinGunMP5: Very bold project, I like!
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Anonymous4: Wut? Is this some kind of three-clit vagina? Excuse my bad engrish...
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Anonymous5: Why the fuck is she wereing her helmet with out her suit?
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Anonymous6(4): BUCKETFUCKERS
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Anonymous7: I saw the thumbnail for this and I heard angelic voices singing
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xGimpyx: Anon 5, no one has a damn clue what her face looks like, so it's better to keep the helmet on than to make a wild guess and have to deal with seas of nerd rage.
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CM672: 15 out of 10. And IBT dickless Tali bashers.
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xGimpyx: Anon 6, does that juicy, purple ass look like a bucket to you? No? Then shut your fucking mouth before I call down the wrath of the Talimancers on your ass.
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Anonymous8: Truly, those that paid for such an image are gods among men.

Tehehe. ^_^
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Anonymous9: Not a fan of the semen. Very good otherwise.
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Anonymous10: Dammit One, we need an image of this act actually happening!

Can't do just the before & after and skip the meat & potatoes.
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Anonymous11(10): *oni
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Anonymous12: Besides the fact that no one has seen her face yet, why exactly is everyone coloring tali purple? She does wear alot of purple, but as far as we know she could be green or a pale white since quarian skin is never in direct contact with sunlight.
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korblborp: or silver or gold or copper
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Anonymous13: She could be green or white or whatever, though if she were green you could probably tell because it would clash with the purple of her visor. It's most likely purple, pink, white, or gray, something light and complimentary to purple, but I think purple looks best, so that's what I use.
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Anonymous14: Oni 4 President!
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Anonymous15: what is up with her vagina?
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Anonymous16: talimancers deserve cancer.
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Anonymous17: You deserve becoming a husk
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Anonymous18(8): Okay, here's what's up with her vagina:

She's wet.
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Anonymous20: If ONI removes the cum, I'll prostrate myself on the ground before them and worship them as a god.
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Anonymous21: The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) decree's this species conquered and well worth the sacrifice. If they ever perform an uprising, we'll be quick to put them (her) in their place.
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Anonymous22: @annon4 I don't think it is if you look closer, on an related topic they never did find out how scale itch got on the Normandy
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Anonymous23(9): Anon22: It was Kelly.
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Anonymous24: And then Tali died.
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soheifox: Why is her left foot where her right foot should be?
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Anonymous25: The small toes are on the outside not inside
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Anonymous26: soheifox remember shes not human, so her toe could be anywhere. also , pussy is pussy. don't fuss over it, just enjoy it.
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Anonymous27: My god, are those flies on her vagina?
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Anonymous28: need new pants
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Anonymous29(28): anon27 IT'S PUSSY JUICE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD......................FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous30: i'm just really, REALLY,fucking happy the artist didnt mess up everything by doing her leg like humans. almost every god damn picture i see forget this.FFS!! DONT TELL ME YOU DIDNT SEE THAT DETAIL!?!?!
so thank you. this pic is glorious
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Ghostsoldier: Mass effect meet mass errect.
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Anonymous32: I hope the other art ONI does is as good as his other ones, I am happy as it is, except for the semen, but if you guys haven't heard or found it yet, there is a picture exactly like this made by ONI and he doesn't add the semen to it. I think you guys should check it out, hope to hear from you guys one day. It is interesting to see how different artists draw Tali, i only wish they could remove the bucket, but i am contempt with how it is for the moment.
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Anonymous33: I just realized what was bothering me about all these Tali pics. They had the legs wrong, but not this one.

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